157       2 735 672
3 256
Number of lecturers          Minutes taught in 2019 Average number of coffees drunk

Who we are?

SENTIA s.r.o. is a private language school established in 1997, offering complex learning programmes for companies and the public.Our learning programmes are tailored for specific needs of our students. We are a certified member of the Language School Association AJŠ.

What is the focus of our business?

We focus on teaching in COMPANIES. We also specialize in INDIVIDUAL COURSES outside or in our language school. There are also open courses for the public.
We teach English, French, German, Russian, Czech for foreigners and many other languages. Together with our partners, we make it possible to offer lessons all over the Czech Republic..

Where are we?

Our language school is located at Růženínská 317/4, Praha 4. near OC Novodvorská Plaza. The nearest public transport is the bus stop Sídliště Lhotka, then it is only about 500 on foot. In our language school’s headquarters, there are public and one-on-one courses as well as English lessons for children.

We are a certified member of the Language School Association

AJŠ The Association of Language Schools is a professional association that values quality.
AJŠ's mission is to improve language learning in the regions of the Czech Republic, to develop the activities and professional prestige of its members. AJŠ language schools have common quality principles described in the Quality Code, which guarantees a high standard of service that schools and agencies deliver to their customers.

At the same time, the Association defends the economic and professional interests of member schools and agencies and establishes cooperation with national and international professional associations, academic and educational bodies and other organizations on the development of language education. Furthermore, AJŠ participates in EU educational programs and projects and provides advisory services to its members.

Today, AJŠ associates language schools and companies from related fields from all regions of the Czech Republic and is thus the largest association of language schools in the Czech Republic. Their consolidated annual turnover in 2009 was about CZK 1.3 billion.

More at www.asociacejs.cz



Every child grows up one day, and children from children's homes have it a bit more complicated. They are forced to leave the place where they grew up, whether they want to or not. They have to integrate into society, without the possibility of going back. These children have no choice, which is why we are happy to help them together with you in partnership with Chance4Children (c4c.cz).